日時: 2023年12月6日(水)
16:30 – 17:30 (終了後 tea-time)
場所: 学習院大学 南3号館 2階 202号室
- 講演者: Stefan Junk 氏(学習院大学)
- 講演題目: Random interfaces, the KPZ Universality class and directed polymers
- 講演要旨: Interfaces between different phases occur in many physical systems, for example as the boundary between areas of opposite spin in a ferromagnet or as the edge of ice on a windshield. Since the 80s, an important focus of probability theory has been to describe such interfaces and to rigorously understand the scaling limits. In a seminal work, Kardar, Parisi and Zhang (KPZ) proposed a stochastic PDE that is expected to appear as the universal scaling limit in many different models. Unfortunately, it has proved difficult to make this connection rigorous because the KPZ equation is classically ill-defined and not easy to analyze. I will explain the background of this research and give on overview of the so-called directed polymer model, which is a discretization of the KPZ equation and my main research topic.
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